Kamis, 08 Desember 2016

Bloody Head

When I was growing up my little brother, who was three at the time, used to sleepwalk through our house at night. He’d walk down to the basement where I slept and crack open my door between 11pm-2am. He’d then slowly push it open and shuffle inside. When I’d ask what he was doing he’d always stare at the floor and say “Where’s mom?”

I’d tell him that she was upstairs. He would repeat “Where’s mom?”

Each night I would take him back upstairs and lead him back to bed where he’d fall asleep.

One night at about 1am I awoke to hear crying at the bottom of the stairs. I walked out to investigate and he was sitting on the bottom step.

I asked him, "What was wrong."

And again he said, “Where’s mom?”

I told him she was upstairs and we should go get her.

“No,” he said staring at the floor, “there’s a bloody head following me.”

“What??” I asked. He looked up from the floor, stared me right in the eyes, opened his mouth and let out the shrillest blood curdling scream I have ever heard in my life. It scared the living shit out of me. It was so loud that the whole family got out of their beds to see what was going on. After that I’d never ask him what he was doing downstairs, I’d just take him immediately back to his room.

Ketika aku tumbuh bersama adikku yang saat itu berumur tiga tahun, dia pernah berjalan sambil tidur di rumah waktu malam. Dia berjalan ke ruang bawah tempatku tidur dan membuka sedikit pintuku pada sekitar pukul 11pm-2am. Ia lantas mendorong pintu agar terbuka lebih lebar dan berjalan dengan kaki terseret masuk. Saat aku bertanya apa yang dia lakukan dia selalu memandang ke bawah dan bertanya, "Di mana Mama?"

Aku menjawab bahwa dia di atas. Adikku mengulangi pertanyaannya, "Di mana Mama?"

Setiap malam aku selalu membawanya kembali ke atas dan menuntunnya kembali ke tempat tidur.

Suatu malam, sekitar jam 1am. Aku terbangun karena mendengar suara tangisan dibawah tangga. Aku keluar untuk memeriksa dan dia duduk di anak tangga paling bawah.

Aku bertanya, "Ada apa?" 

Dan lagi-lagi ia bertanya, "Di mana Mama?"

Aku menjawab dia ada di atas dan mengajaknya kesana.

"Tidak," ia menatap lantai, "ada kepala berdarah mengikutiku."

"Apaaaa?" Aku terkejut.

Dia menggerakkan kepalanya menatapku. Tepat di mata, memperlihatkan darah kental menetes dengan teriakan paling nyaring yang pernah kudengar. Aku benar-benar ketakutan. Begitu kerasnya teriakan itu sampai seluruh anggota keluargaku keluar dari kamar untuk mengetahui apa yang sedang terjadi. Sejak saat itu aku tidak pernah menanyakan apa-apa pada dia, aku langsung membawanya ke tempat tidurnya.

*Story by [deleted]

Bloody Head Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Good Dreamer

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